On Tuesday, July 20...
... at 3:51:26 PM Central...
I'll meow to that. Meow.
Sincerely, Amber. Top?
... at 12:14:44 PM Central...
We need a definite Pants revival.
Sincerely, Molly. Top?
On Monday, July 19...
... at 10:16:45 AM Central...
Sincerely, Amber. Top?
On Tuesday, April 13...
... at 9:54:27 PM Central...
Anyday now.......yessiry, any moment now ~-~
Sincerely, The Brad. Top?
On Friday, March 5...
... at 2:47:55 PM Central...
Donovan said feel free to take over, but so it looks like Molly accomplished a hostile takeover we'l say he was completely against it and fought vigerously, only to be overwhelmed by Molly'z superiority.
Sincerely, The Brad. Top?
On Monday, March 1...
... at 6:11:09 PM Central...
Duuude, this thing's still here! O_O
Sincerely, Esha. Top?
On Sunday, February 8...
... at 7:26:41 PM Central...
No, but seriously, I'll ask Donovan, and if he doesn't mind handing this place over to you, then by all means. It could use a face lift. Molly's zeal would do it some good. ;P
MSN = yum.
Sincerely, Rae. Top?
On Tuesday, January 27...
... at 5:53:29 PM Central...
Hmm, I would, but I don't have admin status ;_; Rae-chan.... *tug tug tug* .... gimme pweez?
Mwahaha. I'm sitting around on MSN waiting for the people of Pants to come on. (Which would be Brad, the only Pant to not use AIM XD) Mmm, cherry freezy sounds good....
Sincerely, Molly. Top?
On Monday, January 26...
... at 11:10:58 PM Central...
sure why not, im feeling like a conformist right now, Mollz, your welcome to take over where i left off, im sure there are still some rebel lawn gnomes and penguins in the jungles just waiting for a leader to rise and take back what they stole and then lost ^_^ good luck!
Sincerely, The Brad. Top?
On Saturday, December 20...
... at 11:42:17 PM Central...
Whoa, I almost forgot this existed. Poor dead Pants. I blame Donovan. Everyone agree to blame Donovan? Alright, then.
Happy Holidays!
Sincerely, Rae. Top?
On Friday, December 12...
... at 9:12:21 PM Central...
WHY DID WE DIE?!?!??!?!! *gives blog CPR*
LIVE, pants?, LIVE I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!
;_______; I misses yous alls. Post. *growls and threatens takeover like Brad did with Japants*
Sincerely, Molly. Top?
On Monday, September 22...
... at 5:04:24 PM Central...
*pokes with a stick* oh yeah, its dead.
Sincerely, The Brad. Top?
On Sunday, September 7...
... at 9:33:46 PM Central...
I believe this place has died. o_o
Sincerely, Esha. Top?
On Tuesday, August 19...
... at 8:34:10 PM Central...
Amber? Why aren't you IMing me? ;_; My AIM is being a bitch, and for some reason I can't IM anyone.
Sincerely, Esha. Top?
On Friday, August 15...
... at 1:58:38 AM Central...
Eee! A layout, how nice of you! I'll look at it and try to fix whatever's wrong, if you'd like, but I can't promise I'll be able to solve the problem. XP
Sincerely, Rae. Top?
On Thursday, August 14...
... at 10:01:47 PM Central...
I made a new layout for this place, but I'm having html trouble. ��;; It's unusual for me, but it's messing up. And I'm too lazy to spend three hours figuring it out. It's pretty though ;_;
help meeeeeeeeeeee ;_______;
*sniffles, pouts, and looks really cute* pweez?
Sincerely, Molly. Top?
On Thursday, July 31...
... at 1:17:40 PM Central...
Ah hah, got blogger to work, as well as the rest of my comp. Can i get someones personal opinion? if your comp has over 2000 infected files, does that qualify as an epidemic? X_O
Sincerely, The Brad. Top?
On Monday, July 28...
... at 2:59:21 PM Central...
~*clings to Molly*~ Someone finally posted! And she WAS back. Don't know when she'll be back again. o-o
Sincerely, Esha. Top?
On Sunday, July 27...
... at 11:49:15 PM Central...
*huggles Esha* Wheeeeeeeeee! Kotori-sama is back, I thought.
Sincerely, Molly. Top?
... at 8:40:09 PM Central...
Amber is gone, and I don't know where Melia has been. ;_; I feel lonely. I want a hug.
Sincerely, Esha. Top?
On Saturday, July 26...
... at 8:33:09 PM Central...
Esha met a cute guy today. ^_^ It made Esha happy.
Sincerely, Esha. Top?
... at 8:30:40 PM Central...
Sincerely, Esha. Top?
On Friday, July 25...
... at 6:38:09 PM Central...
Yesterday...yesterday, it was funny! ^_^ I was at, like work, and one of the guys inslted me (twice! guh!) so I ran around chasing and stalking him around the warehouse all day. It was fun!! He was scared-ed. Teeheehee!
Sincerely, Kotori. Top?
Name Donovan
Click here
Gender Male
Age 17
Location Winnipeg, Manitoba
Your celebrity name Burt Cobalt
Flavor of Freezy rootbeer float
Pants? they sure as hell aren't hot pants
What do you do for fun? when I'm not wrestling penguins in Alaska (since that's not where they're from) I like to watch anime, read manga, play any video game I can get my hands on, roleplay, draw, write and a plethora of other things I just don't feel like mentioning.
Say something interesting there's lots of kids in my school that aren't going to matter in five years.
Name Rae
Click here
Gender The girly kind.
Age Fifteen
Location Hendersonville, TN. Eww.
Your celebrity name December Valentine
Flavor of Freezy The classic cherry.
Pants? With bondage straps, please.
What do you do for fun? Draw, play with graphics programs, sew, read slash fics, pretend I can play bass, browse Goodwill.
Say something interesting Chase a cat into the rafters, because it's going to wind up there anyway. If you don't have a cat, improvise.
Name Amber
Click here
Gender Take a pick...you have a 50/50 chance
Age Oh...only about 2 million years old...or was that 16? I can never remember...
Location Hell
Your celebrity name Danika Asalie
Flavor of Freezy Cherry is good...and so is strawberry...
Pants? Are nice when on the floor ^.~
What do you do for fun? chat, daydream, read, talk to myself....
Say something interesting I have purple attack ducks.
Name Laurie
Click here
Gender Female :P
Age 17
Location Canada
Your celebrity name Um..Laurie Fallon (Jimmy Fallon) or Laurie Scott (Seann William Scott) or something.
Flavor of Freezy Strawberry-kiwi with extra sour stuff :D
Pants? TAKE THEM OFF! I mean, uh. Plaid, yay!
What do you do for fun? Be stupid.
Say something interesting Julia's raping me.
Name davey
Click here
Gender imma boi
Age 18
Location texas
Your celebrity name James Trueheart
Flavor of Freezy cottoncandy
Pants? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
What do you do for fun? chase teddy bears
Say something interesting i've killed the devil once.. and his brothers. and i'm naked!
Name Brad
Click here
Gender Male
Age 16
Location CANADA....WOOOOO!
Your celebrity name If i told u, id have to kill u
Flavor of Freezy Its........OWWWWW brain freeze!
Pants? "Who wears short shorts"
What do you do for fun? Watch anime, GAME......i mean alot!, Go online, Bike around for the hell of it, hang with my friends, Read books, and RANT
Say something interesting ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Name Esha
Click here
Gender Female
Age 17
Location Why do you care, eh? Well, too bad, cause I'm not telling.
Your celebrity name The Almighty Goddess of You and Everyone Else
Flavor of Freezy Mango
Pants? Anything comfy. For instance, my nice, comfy pajama pants, which are blue and soft and pretty and cute.
What do you do for fun? Laugh at pathetic, dismal, wretched excuses of people and prove them wrong in this infinitesimal, little world. But in truth, I'm an assassin that's out to get you. Really.
Say something interesting If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.
Name Nathan
Click here
Gender Male
Age 15 flat
Location Unionville, TN
Your celebrity name Me
Flavor of Freezy Cold
Pants? Are they necessary, well. khaki cargo work.
What do you do for fun? WebDev and Orbitz
Say something interesting Sleep isn't necessary, just appreciated.
Name Moriko
Click here
Gender Female
Age 15
Location My own little world *bahahahaha*
Your celebrity name Angel Holiday
Flavor of Freezy Cherry...*steals everyone's freezys and starts her own freezy nation*
Pants? Pants are good. I mean bad. Wait...
What do you do for fun? I scare the world with my insanity, and I...I...worship all that is Invader Zim. Yes.
Say something interesting "My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems."
Name Brandt
Click here
Gender M
Age 18
Location Texas, the land of the never dying heat...
Your celebrity name Uhhh..I dunno..Lenny Spanelly XXXIII
Flavor of Freezy Southern Goodness..
Pants? Too hot to wear here.
What do you do for fun? Stuff. If you wish to keep your sanity, do not inquire further.
Say something interesting I like sporks.
Name Kotori
Click here
Gender I have no use for gender clasifications. SILLY HUMANS!
Age It's like the same answer as above, except with age!! ...yeah.
Location If I told you, I'd have to EAT you. With whipped cream. ...and green jell-o...
Your celebrity name When I become famous, no one would dare utter my name. For they would spontaneously explode if they did. I'm that good!
Flavor of Freezy I like the kind that gives you a bitchin headache if you drink it too fast. Wait...
Pants? They're delicious when deep fried and smothered in country gravy.
What do you do for fun? I enjoy manipulating people slowly from within...and by the time they realize it, it's TOO LATE! ...but you're not supposed to know that.
Say something interesting That's right...I'm back. Hah hah hah!
Name Tweeky Poe
Click here
Gender Male
Age Time is only a relative measurment...
Location My location varies with the time, but since time is only relative, wait. *Twitch*
Your celebrity name Tweeky. *twitch* any problems?
Flavor of Freezy *cough* is tampon a flavor? I shall tell ye a story sometime...
Pants? *blink* Well as of this moment, the pants i am brandishing are missing a half a leg.
What do you do for fun? RUBBER DUCKIES. ^_^ They're all named Benje.
Say something interesting AWWW. my three kitties are laying in a pile again. Salt, Pepper, AND INBETWEEN! *huggles kitties*
Name Scout
Click here
Gender Gender is futile
Age Um..>.>; So is age.
Location MEATS OF EVIL..wait..
Your celebrity name Not sure, if I had one it would probably be somethin' along the lines of Captain Shirt or somethin'.
Flavor of Freezy Pine tree.. Oh yeah, the distint taste of pine tree.
Pants? As opposed to none? I'll do believe I'll take the pants
What do you do for fun? Scaring locals...ooohhh yeah. Gotta love it.
Say something interesting ...Damn you and your reverse phsychology.
Name Trinity
Click here
Gender Female
Age About 19
Location Still trying to figure that one out
Your celebrity name Frank Bobbeta
Flavor of Freezy Freezy Flavor? And that is what exactly..?
Pants? Only when not in the blueberry fields..
What do you do for fun? Pick my nose is my #1 joy in life.. If I ever lost my nose I don't know how I would survive.
Say something interesting Can I just pick my nose instead..?
Name Sammi Queen of the Dark Sporks and Master of the Dark Spork Armies
Click here
Gender Female, thanks!
Age 5,647,829,915...really :D
Location Still trying to figure that one out
Your celebrity name Well, I'm never going to become famous...so, I won't need a name, will I? Sammi's just fine.
Flavor of Freezy Crab. Yep. Seafood. Or Pocky.
Pants? I have my own thank you...They're all snugglie. Can I have yours?
What do you do for fun? Eh...x_x Chat and bother people? Really.
Say something interesting Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me...Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me...Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me...Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me...Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me...Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me...